Women in Fund Finance Round the World Virtual Race
Fundraising ($14,349 raised)
Top groups:
1.#torys 23 racers × $114.79 avg = $2,640.27
2.#haynesboone 28 racers × $88.28 avg = $2,472.05
3.#anz 22 racers × $80.39 avg = $1,768.59
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Top fundraisers:
1.Pretika Randhawa $1,125.01
2.Brent Shultz $1,012.91
3.Cassandra Best $540.01
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Top contributors:
1.Brent Shultz $1,000
2.Gwen Watson $500
3.Niamh Targett $500
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Top team fundraisers:
1.Torys $2,680.28
2.Haynes Boone $2,625.37
3.ANZ $1,775.28
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Latest contributions:
Haynes Boone Mar 25
Team KBRA Mar 25
EverBank Mar 24
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Photo Gallery
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Total Progress:
Team WFF 27875.9 miles
(LAP 2)
All groups:
1.EverBank 6389.9 miles
2.Walkers 3364.0 miles
3.Haynes Boone 3197.6 miles
4.Arendt Race 2344.4 miles
5.Torys 1572.0 miles
6.ANZ 1312.6 miles
7.Mourant 1265.8 miles
8.Flagstar Bank 1218.8 miles
9.Bank of America 1201.4 miles
10.MUFG Group 1036.0 miles
11.Team KBRA 889.9 miles
12.FFA 566.9 miles
13.Team TTA 492.7 miles
14.Harneys 470.8 miles
15.JPMorgan 461.4 miles
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*Only groups with more than 1 member will show up on the 'All groups' leaderboard.
Group Mileage Log:
Athletes (428)
1.JeffDorrill 472.4 miles
2.NYCRunner 355.9 miles
3.Banytka 301.5 miles
4.MitchH 288.8 miles
5.Pretika 281.2 miles
6.Marisa_B 281.1 miles
7.Samie-Hope 273.3 miles
8.LetsgoWhalers 243.6 miles
9.MatSalleh 240.9 miles
10.Adeola 233.7 miles
11.MGB904 225.7 miles
12.RFrost 223.9 miles
13.RachyRach 222.1 miles
14.Agi 221.7 miles
15.DeniseL 219.5 miles
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*Only groups with more than 1 member will show up on the 'All groups' leaderboard.
Group Mileage Log:
Recent Activity (81 today)
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Log Activity
About + Join
- From: Calgary, Alberta CA
- To: Brisbane, Queensland AU
- Start date: March 1, 2025
- End date: April 5, 2025
- 0:00
- 23:59
- Route distance: 24,901 miles
- Total logged: 27,875.9 miles
We've got racers all over the globe! So to keep everyone on the same page, we've come up with some handy guidelines:
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© 2025 Pressflex LLC
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- Update your passcode in settings.
- If your race includes activity conversions, we try to keep the playing field level, and conversions are based on effort, ie 1 hour cycling = ~1 hour swimming = ~1 hour tennis. Please log cycling minutes, not miles.
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- If you post on social media, please include #raceryapp so we can find you!
- We rely on the honor system. You don't have to use a device to prove your miles, a good map or watch suffices.
- Attribute your exercise to the appropriate day—don't combine workouts from multiple days.
- Only backdate logs for a race up to two weeks in the past.
- Activities submitted after the race ends will not count toward race leaderboards.
Questions? Write team@racery.com!
© 2025 Pressflex LLC
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